UPS Privacy Notice

Your Options

We offer you certain choices about how we communicate with you and what information we collect from you. You may choose not to receive marketing email communications from us by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our marketing emails, selecting the Email Unsubscribe link below, adjusting your email preferences in your profile, or contacting us as specified in the "How To Contact Us" section below. You also may ask us not to send you other marketing communications by contacting us as specified in the "How To Contact Us" section below, and we will honor your request. Consistent with the choices available in the "Information We Share" section, you may withdraw your consent or object to certain information sharing by selecting the Privacy Preferences Center link below or by contacting us as indicated below. In addition, as required by law, you may object at any time on legitimate grounds and free of charge to the processing of your personal information, and we will apply your preferences going forward.

Email Unsubscribe

Privacy Preferences Center

To learn more about how to opt out of ad network interest-based advertising, please visit the consumer opt-out page at:

View the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising

To opt-out of the collection of personal information by our social media, advertising, and analytics partners, you may visit Cookie Settings.